Source code for torchio.datasets.medmnist

import numpy as np
import torch

from .. import ScalarImage
from .. import Subject
from .. import SubjectsDataset
from import download_url
from ..utils import get_torchio_cache_dir

class MedMNIST(SubjectsDataset):
    """3D MedMNIST v2 datasets.

    Datasets from `MedMNIST v2: A Large-Scale Lightweight Benchmark for 2D and
    3D Biomedical Image Classification <>`_.

    Please check the `MedMNIST website <>`_ for more
    information, inclusing the license.

        split: Dataset split. Should be ``'train'``, ``'val'`` or ``'test'``.

    BASE_URL = ''
    SPLITS = 'train', 'training', 'val', 'validation', 'test', 'testing'

    def __init__(self, split, **kwargs):
        if split not in self.SPLITS:
            raise ValueError(f'The split must be one of {self.SPLITS}')
        split = 'train' if split == 'training' else split
        split = 'val' if split == 'validation' else split
        split = 'test' if split == 'testing' else split
        url = f'{self.BASE_URL}/{self.filename}?download=1'
        download_root = get_torchio_cache_dir() / 'MedMNIST'
        path = download_root / self.filename
        npz_file = np.load(path)
        images = npz_file[f'{split}_images']
        labels = npz_file[f'{split}_labels']
        subjects = []
        for image, label in zip(images, labels):
            image = ScalarImage(tensor=image[np.newaxis])
            subject = Subject(image=image, labels=torch.from_numpy(label))
        super().__init__(subjects, **kwargs)

    def filename(self):
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__.lower()}.npz'

[docs] class OrganMNIST3D(MedMNIST): __doc__ = MedMNIST.__doc__
[docs] class NoduleMNIST3D(MedMNIST): __doc__ = MedMNIST.__doc__
[docs] class AdrenalMNIST3D(MedMNIST): __doc__ = MedMNIST.__doc__
[docs] class FractureMNIST3D(MedMNIST): __doc__ = MedMNIST.__doc__
[docs] class VesselMNIST3D(MedMNIST): __doc__ = MedMNIST.__doc__
[docs] class SynapseMNIST3D(MedMNIST): __doc__ = MedMNIST.__doc__