Source code for

from itertools import islice
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List
from typing import Optional

import humanize
import torch
from import DataLoader
from import Dataset
from import Sampler

from .. import NUM_SAMPLES
from .dataset import SubjectsDataset
from .sampler import PatchSampler
from .subject import Subject

[docs] class Queue(Dataset): r"""Queue used for stochastic patch-based training. A training iteration (i.e., forward and backward pass) performed on a GPU is usually faster than loading, preprocessing, augmenting, and cropping a volume on a CPU. Most preprocessing operations could be performed using a GPU, but these devices are typically reserved for training the CNN so that batch size and input tensor size can be as large as possible. Therefore, it is beneficial to prepare (i.e., load, preprocess and augment) the volumes using multiprocessing CPU techniques in parallel with the forward-backward passes of a training iteration. Once a volume is appropriately prepared, it is computationally beneficial to sample multiple patches from a volume rather than having to prepare the same volume each time a patch needs to be extracted. The sampled patches are then stored in a buffer or *queue* until the next training iteration, at which point they are loaded onto the GPU for inference. For this, TorchIO provides the :class:`` class, which also inherits from the PyTorch :class:``. In this queueing system, samplers behave as generators that yield patches from random locations in volumes contained in the :class:``. The end of a training epoch is defined as the moment after which patches from all subjects have been used for training. At the beginning of each training epoch, the subjects list in the :class:`` is shuffled, as is typically done in machine learning pipelines to increase variance of training instances during model optimization. A PyTorch loader queries the datasets copied in each process, which load and process the volumes in parallel on the CPU. A patches list is filled with patches extracted by the sampler, and the queue is shuffled once it has reached a specified maximum length so that batches are composed of patches from different subjects. The internal data loader continues querying the :class:`` using multiprocessing. The patches list, when emptied, is refilled with new patches. A second data loader, external to the queue, may be used to collate batches of patches stored in the queue, which are passed to the neural network. Args: subjects_dataset: Instance of :class:``. max_length: Maximum number of patches that can be stored in the queue. Using a large number means that the queue needs to be filled less often, but more CPU memory is needed to store the patches. samples_per_volume: Default number of patches to extract from each volume. If a subject contains an attribute :attr:`num_samples`, it will be used instead of :attr:`samples_per_volume`. A small number of patches ensures a large variability in the queue, but training will be slower. sampler: A subclass of :class:`` used to extract patches from the volumes. subject_sampler: Sampler to get subjects from the dataset. It should be an instance of :class:`` when running `distributed training <>`_. num_workers: Number of subprocesses to use for data loading (as in :class:``). ``0`` means that the data will be loaded in the main process. shuffle_subjects: If ``True``, the subjects dataset is shuffled at the beginning of each epoch, i.e. when all patches from all subjects have been processed. shuffle_patches: If ``True``, patches are shuffled after filling the queue. start_background: If ``True``, the loader will start working in the background as soon as the queue is instantiated. verbose: If ``True``, some debugging messages will be printed. This diagram represents the connection between a :class:``, a :class:`` and the :class:`` used to pop batches from the queue. .. image:: :alt: Training with patches This sketch can be used to experiment and understand how the queue works. In this case, :attr:`shuffle_subjects` is ``False`` and :attr:`shuffle_patches` is ``True``. .. raw:: html <embed> <iframe style="width: 640px; height: 360px; overflow: hidden;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe> </embed> .. note:: :attr:`num_workers` refers to the number of workers used to load and transform the volumes. Multiprocessing is not needed to pop patches from the queue, so you should always use ``num_workers=0`` for the :class:`` you instantiate to generate training batches. Example: >>> import torch >>> import torchio as tio >>> from import DataLoader >>> patch_size = 96 >>> queue_length = 300 >>> samples_per_volume = 10 >>> sampler = >>> subject = tio.datasets.Colin27() >>> subjects_dataset = tio.SubjectsDataset(10 * [subject]) >>> patches_queue = tio.Queue( ... subjects_dataset, ... queue_length, ... samples_per_volume, ... sampler, ... num_workers=4, ... ) >>> patches_loader = DataLoader( ... patches_queue, ... batch_size=16, ... num_workers=0, # this must be 0 ... ) >>> num_epochs = 2 >>> model = torch.nn.Identity() >>> for epoch_index in range(num_epochs): ... for patches_batch in patches_loader: ... inputs = patches_batch['t1'][tio.DATA] # key 't1' is in subject ... targets = patches_batch['brain'][tio.DATA] # key 'brain' is in subject ... logits = model(inputs) # model being an instance of torch.nn.Module Example: >>> # Usage with distributed training >>> import torch.distributed as dist >>> from import DistributedSampler >>> # Assume a process running on distributed node 3 >>> rank = 3 >>> patch_sampler = >>> subject = tio.datasets.Colin27() >>> subjects_dataset = tio.SubjectsDataset(10 * [subject]) >>> subject_sampler = dist.DistributedSampler( ... subjects_dataset, ... rank=local_rank, ... shuffle=True, ... drop_last=True, ... ) >>> # Each process is assigned (len(subjects_dataset) // num_processes) subjects >>> patches_queue = tio.Queue( ... subjects_dataset, ... queue_length, ... samples_per_volume, ... patch_sampler, ... num_workers=4, ... subject_sampler=subject_sampler, ... ) >>> patches_loader = DataLoader( ... patches_queue, ... batch_size=16, ... num_workers=0, # this must be 0 ... ) >>> num_epochs = 2 >>> model = torch.nn.Identity() >>> for epoch_index in range(num_epochs): ... subject_sampler.set_epoch(epoch_index) ... for patches_batch in patches_loader: ... inputs = patches_batch['t1'][tio.DATA] # key 't1' is in subject ... targets = patches_batch['brain'][tio.DATA] # key 'brain' is in subject ... logits = model(inputs) # model being an instance of torch.nn.Module """ # noqa: B950 def __init__( self, subjects_dataset: SubjectsDataset, max_length: int, samples_per_volume: int, sampler: PatchSampler, subject_sampler: Optional[Sampler] = None, num_workers: int = 0, shuffle_subjects: bool = True, shuffle_patches: bool = True, start_background: bool = True, verbose: bool = False, ): self.subjects_dataset = subjects_dataset self.max_length = max_length self.shuffle_subjects = shuffle_subjects self.shuffle_patches = shuffle_patches self.samples_per_volume = samples_per_volume self.sampler = sampler self.subject_sampler = subject_sampler self.num_workers = num_workers self.verbose = verbose self._subjects_iterable = None self._incomplete_subject: Optional[Subject] = None self._num_patches_incomplete = 0 self._num_sampled_subjects = 0 if start_background: self._initialize_subjects_iterable() self.patches_list: List[Subject] = [] if self.shuffle_subjects and self.subject_sampler is not None: raise ValueError( 'The flag shuffle_subjects cannot be set' ' when a subject sampler is passed', ) def __len__(self): return self.iterations_per_epoch def __getitem__(self, _): # There are probably more elegant ways of doing this if not self.patches_list: self._print('Patches list is empty.') self._fill() self.patches_list.reverse() sample_patch = self.patches_list.pop() return sample_patch def __repr__(self): attributes = [ f'max_length={self.max_length}', f'num_subjects={self.num_subjects}', f'num_patches={self.num_patches}', f'samples_per_volume={self.samples_per_volume}', f'iterations_per_epoch={self.iterations_per_epoch}', ] attributes_string = ', '.join(attributes) return f'Queue({attributes_string})' def _print(self, *args): if self.verbose: print(*args) # noqa: T201 def _initialize_subjects_iterable(self): self._subjects_iterable = self._get_subjects_iterable() @property def subjects_iterable(self): if self._subjects_iterable is None: self._initialize_subjects_iterable() return self._subjects_iterable @property def num_subjects(self) -> int: if self.subject_sampler is not None: if not hasattr(self.subject_sampler, '__len__'): raise ValueError( 'The subject sampler passed to the queue must have a' ' __len__ method', ) num_subjects = len(self.subject_sampler) # type: ignore[arg-type] else: num_subjects = len(self.subjects_dataset) return num_subjects @property def num_patches(self) -> int: return len(self.patches_list) @property def iterations_per_epoch(self) -> int: all_subjects_list = self.subjects_dataset.dry_iter() if self.subject_sampler is not None: subjects_list = [] for subject_index in self.subject_sampler: subject = all_subjects_list[subject_index] subjects_list.append(subject) else: subjects_list = all_subjects_list total_num_patches = sum( self._get_subject_num_samples(subject) for subject in subjects_list ) return total_num_patches def _get_subject_num_samples(self, subject): num_samples = getattr( subject, NUM_SAMPLES, self.samples_per_volume, ) return num_samples def _fill(self) -> None: assert self.sampler is not None if self._incomplete_subject is not None: subject = self._incomplete_subject iterable = self.sampler(subject) patches = list(islice(iterable, self._num_patches_incomplete)) self.patches_list.extend(patches) self._incomplete_subject = None while True: subject = self._get_next_subject() iterable = self.sampler(subject) num_samples = self._get_subject_num_samples(subject) num_free_slots = self.max_length - len(self.patches_list) if num_free_slots < num_samples: self._incomplete_subject = subject self._num_patches_incomplete = num_samples - num_free_slots num_samples = min(num_samples, num_free_slots) patches = list(islice(iterable, num_samples)) self.patches_list.extend(patches) self._num_sampled_subjects += 1 list_full = len(self.patches_list) >= self.max_length all_sampled = self._num_sampled_subjects >= self.num_subjects if list_full or all_sampled: break if self.shuffle_patches: self._shuffle_patches_list() def _shuffle_patches_list(self): indices = torch.randperm(self.num_patches) self.patches_list = [self.patches_list[i] for i in indices] def _get_next_subject(self) -> Subject: # A StopIteration exception is expected when the queue is empty try: subject = next(self.subjects_iterable) except StopIteration as exception: self._print('Queue is empty:', exception) self._initialize_subjects_iterable() subject = next(self.subjects_iterable) except AssertionError as exception: if 'can only test a child process' in str(exception): message = ( 'The number of workers for the data loader used to pop' ' patches from the queue should be 0. Is it?' ) raise RuntimeError(message) from exception raise exception return subject @staticmethod def _get_first_item(batch): return batch[0] def _get_subjects_iterable(self) -> Iterator: # I need a DataLoader to handle parallelism # But this loader is always expected to yield single subject samples self._print( f'\nCreating subjects loader with {self.num_workers} workers', ) subjects_loader = DataLoader( self.subjects_dataset, num_workers=self.num_workers, batch_size=1, collate_fn=self._get_first_item, sampler=self.subject_sampler, shuffle=self.shuffle_subjects, ) self._num_sampled_subjects = 0 return iter(subjects_loader)
[docs] def get_max_memory(self, subject: Optional[Subject] = None) -> int: """Get the maximum RAM occupied by the patches queue in bytes. Args: subject: Sample subject to compute the size of a patch. """ images_channels = 0 if subject is None: subject = self.subjects_dataset[0] for image in subject.get_images(intensity_only=False): images_channels += len( voxels_in_patch = int( * images_channels) bytes_per_patch = 4 * voxels_in_patch # assume float32 return int(bytes_per_patch * self.max_length)
[docs] def get_max_memory_pretty(self, subject: Optional[Subject] = None) -> str: """Get human-readable maximum RAM occupied by the patches queue. Args: subject: Sample subject to compute the size of a patch. """ memory = self.get_max_memory(subject=subject) return humanize.naturalsize(memory, binary=True)