Getting started =============== Installation ------------ The Python package is hosted on the `Python Package Index (PyPI) `_. To install the latest PyTorch version before installing TorchIO, it is recommended to use `light-the-torch `_:: $ pip install light-the-torch && ltt install torch The latest published version of TorchIO can be installed using Pip Installs Packages (``pip``):: $ pip install torchio To upgrade to the latest published version, use:: $ pip install --upgrade torchio If you would like to install Matplotlib to use the plotting features, use:: $ pip install torchio[plot] If you are on Windows and have `trouble installing TorchIO `_, try `installing PyTorch `_ with `conda `_ before pip-installing TorchIO. Hello, World! ------------- This example shows the basic usage of TorchIO, where an instance of :class:`~torchio.SubjectsDataset` is passed to a PyTorch :class:`~torch.SubjectsLoader` to generate training batches of 3D images that are loaded, preprocessed and augmented on the fly, in parallel:: import torch import torchio as tio # Each instance of tio.Subject is passed arbitrary keyword arguments. # Typically, these arguments will be instances of tio.Image subject_a = tio.Subject( t1=tio.ScalarImage('subject_a.nii.gz'), label=tio.LabelMap('subject_a.nii'), diagnosis='positive', ) # Image files can be in any format supported by SimpleITK or NiBabel, including DICOM subject_b = tio.Subject( t1=tio.ScalarImage('subject_b_dicom_folder'), label=tio.LabelMap('subject_b_seg.nrrd'), diagnosis='negative', ) # Images may also be created using PyTorch tensors or NumPy arrays tensor_4d = torch.rand(4, 100, 100, 100) subject_c = tio.Subject( t1=tio.ScalarImage(tensor=tensor_4d), label=tio.LabelMap(tensor=(tensor_4d > 0.5)), diagnosis='negative', ) subjects_list = [subject_a, subject_b, subject_c] # Let's use one preprocessing transform and one augmentation transform # This transform will be applied only to scalar images: rescale = tio.RescaleIntensity(out_min_max=(0, 1)) # As RandomAffine is faster then RandomElasticDeformation, we choose to # apply RandomAffine 80% of the times and RandomElasticDeformation the rest # Also, there is a 25% chance that none of them will be applied spatial = tio.OneOf({ tio.RandomAffine(): 0.8, tio.RandomElasticDeformation(): 0.2, }, p=0.75, ) # Transforms can be composed as in torchvision.transforms transforms = [rescale, spatial] transform = tio.Compose(transforms) # SubjectsDataset is a subclass of subjects_dataset = tio.SubjectsDataset(subjects_list, transform=transform) # Images are processed in parallel thanks to a SubjectsLoader # (which inherits from training_loader = tio.SubjectsLoader( subjects_dataset, batch_size=4, num_workers=4, shuffle=True, ) # Training epoch for subjects_batch in training_loader: inputs = subjects_batch['t1'][tio.DATA] target = subjects_batch['label'][tio.DATA] Tutorials --------- |Google-Colab-notebook| The best way to quickly understand and try the library is the `Jupyter Notebooks `_ hosted on Google Colab. They include multiple examples and visualization of most of the classes, including training of a `3D U-Net `_ for brain segmentation on :math:`T_1`-weighted MRI with full volumes and with subvolumes (aka patches or windows). .. |Google-Colab-notebook| image:: :target: :alt: Google Colab notebook