Source code for torchio.transforms.transform

import copy
import numbers
import warnings
from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
import torch

from import LabelMap
from import nib_to_sitk
from import sitk_to_nib
from import Subject
from ..typing import TypeCallable
from ..typing import TypeData
from ..typing import TypeDataAffine
from ..typing import TypeKeys
from ..typing import TypeNumber
from ..typing import TypeTripletInt
from ..utils import to_tuple
from ..utils import is_iterable
from .data_parser import DataParser
from .data_parser import TypeTransformInput
from .interpolation import get_sitk_interpolator
from .interpolation import Interpolation

TypeSixBounds = Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]
TypeBounds = Union[
TypeMaskingMethod = Union[str, TypeCallable, TypeBounds, None]

[docs] class Transform(ABC): """Abstract class for all TorchIO transforms. When called, the input can be an instance of :class:`torchio.Subject`, :class:`torchio.Image`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`torch.Tensor`, :class:`SimpleITK.Image`, or :class:`dict` containing 4D tensors as values. All subclasses must overwrite :meth:`~torchio.transforms.Transform.apply_transform`, which takes an instance of :class:`~torchio.Subject`, modifies it and returns the result. Args: p: Probability that this transform will be applied. copy: Make a shallow copy of the input before applying the transform. include: Sequence of strings with the names of the only images to which the transform will be applied. Mandatory if the input is a :class:`dict`. exclude: Sequence of strings with the names of the images to which the the transform will not be applied, apart from the ones that are excluded because of the transform type. For example, if a subject includes an MRI, a CT and a label map, and the CT is added to the list of exclusions of an intensity transform such as :class:`~torchio.transforms.RandomBlur`, the transform will be only applied to the MRI, as the label map is excluded by default by spatial transforms. keep: Dictionary with the names of the input images that will be kept in the output and their new names. For example: ``{'t1': 't1_original'}``. This might be useful for autoencoders or registration tasks. parse_input: If ``True``, the input will be converted to an instance of :class:`~torchio.Subject`. This is used internally by some special transforms like :class:`~torchio.transforms.augmentation.composition.Compose`. label_keys: If the input is a dictionary, names of images that correspond to label maps. """ def __init__( self, p: float = 1, copy: bool = True, include: TypeKeys = None, exclude: TypeKeys = None, keys: TypeKeys = None, keep: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, parse_input: bool = True, label_keys: TypeKeys = None, ): self.probability = self.parse_probability(p) self.copy = copy if keys is not None: message = ( 'The "keys" argument is deprecated and will be removed in the' ' future. Use "include" instead' ) warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) include = keys self.include, self.exclude = self.parse_include_and_exclude_keys( include, exclude, label_keys, ) self.keep = keep self.parse_input = parse_input self.label_keys = label_keys # args_names is the sequence of parameters from self that need to be # passed to a non-random version of a random transform. They are also # used to invert invertible transforms self.args_names: List[str] = []
[docs] def __call__( self, data: TypeTransformInput, ) -> TypeTransformInput: """Transform data and return a result of the same type. Args: data: Instance of :class:`torchio.Subject`, 4D :class:`torch.Tensor` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` with dimensions :math:`(C, W, H, D)`, where :math:`C` is the number of channels and :math:`W, H, D` are the spatial dimensions. If the input is a tensor, the affine matrix will be set to identity. Other valid input types are a SimpleITK image, a :class:`torchio.Image`, a NiBabel Nifti1 image or a :class:`dict`. The output type is the same as the input type. """ if torch.rand(1).item() > self.probability: return data # Some transforms such as Compose should not modify the input data if self.parse_input: data_parser = DataParser( data, keys=self.include, label_keys=self.label_keys, ) subject = data_parser.get_subject() else: subject = data if self.keep is not None: images_to_keep = {} for name, new_name in self.keep.items(): images_to_keep[new_name] = copy.copy(subject[name]) if self.copy: subject = copy.copy(subject) with np.errstate(all='raise', under='ignore'): transformed = self.apply_transform(subject) if self.keep is not None: for name, image in images_to_keep.items(): transformed.add_image(image, name) if self.parse_input: self.add_transform_to_subject_history(transformed) for image in transformed.get_images(intensity_only=False): ndim = assert ndim == 4, f'Output of {} is {ndim}D' output = data_parser.get_output(transformed) else: output = transformed return output
def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, 'args_names'): names = self.args_names args_strings = [f'{arg}={getattr(self, arg)}' for arg in names] if hasattr(self, 'invert_transform') and self.invert_transform: args_strings.append('invert=True') args_string = ', '.join(args_strings) return f'{}({args_string})' else: return super().__repr__() @property def name(self): return self.__class__.__name__ @abstractmethod def apply_transform(self, subject: Subject) -> Subject: raise NotImplementedError def add_transform_to_subject_history(self, subject): from .augmentation import RandomTransform from . import Compose, OneOf, CropOrPad, EnsureShapeMultiple from .preprocessing import SequentialLabels, Resize call_others = ( RandomTransform, Compose, OneOf, CropOrPad, EnsureShapeMultiple, SequentialLabels, Resize, ) if not isinstance(self, call_others): subject.add_transform(self, self._get_reproducing_arguments()) @staticmethod def to_range(n, around): if around is None: return 0, n else: return around - n, around + n def parse_params(self, params, around, name, make_ranges=True, **kwargs): params = to_tuple(params) # d or (a, b) if len(params) == 1 or (len(params) == 2 and make_ranges): params *= 3 # (d, d, d) or (a, b, a, b, a, b) if len(params) == 3 and make_ranges: # (a, b, c) items = [self.to_range(n, around) for n in params] # (-a, a, -b, b, -c, c) or (1-a, 1+a, 1-b, 1+b, 1-c, 1+c) params = [n for prange in items for n in prange] if make_ranges: if len(params) != 6: message = ( f'If "{name}" is a sequence, it must have length 2, 3 or' f' 6, not {len(params)}' ) raise ValueError(message) for param_range in zip(params[::2], params[1::2]): self._parse_range(param_range, name, **kwargs) return tuple(params) @staticmethod def _parse_range( nums_range: Union[TypeNumber, Tuple[TypeNumber, TypeNumber]], name: str, min_constraint: Optional[TypeNumber] = None, max_constraint: Optional[TypeNumber] = None, type_constraint: Optional[type] = None, ) -> Tuple[TypeNumber, TypeNumber]: r"""Adapted from :class:`torchvision.transforms.RandomRotation`. Args: nums_range: Tuple of two numbers :math:`(n_{min}, n_{max})`, where :math:`n_{min} \leq n_{max}`. If a single positive number :math:`n` is provided, :math:`n_{min} = -n` and :math:`n_{max} = n`. name: Name of the parameter, so that an informative error message can be printed. min_constraint: Minimal value that :math:`n_{min}` can take, default is None, i.e. there is no minimal value. max_constraint: Maximal value that :math:`n_{max}` can take, default is None, i.e. there is no maximal value. type_constraint: Precise type that :math:`n_{max}` and :math:`n_{min}` must take. Returns: A tuple of two numbers :math:`(n_{min}, n_{max})`. Raises: ValueError: if :attr:`nums_range` is negative ValueError: if :math:`n_{max}` or :math:`n_{min}` is not a number ValueError: if :math:`n_{max} \lt n_{min}` ValueError: if :attr:`min_constraint` is not None and :math:`n_{min}` is smaller than :attr:`min_constraint` ValueError: if :attr:`max_constraint` is not None and :math:`n_{max}` is greater than :attr:`max_constraint` ValueError: if :attr:`type_constraint` is not None and :math:`n_{max}` and :math:`n_{max}` are not of type :attr:`type_constraint`. """ if isinstance(nums_range, numbers.Number): # single number given if nums_range < 0: raise ValueError( f'If {name} is a single number,' f' it must be positive, not {nums_range}', ) if min_constraint is not None and nums_range < min_constraint: raise ValueError( f'If {name} is a single number, it must be greater' f' than {min_constraint}, not {nums_range}', ) if max_constraint is not None and nums_range > max_constraint: raise ValueError( f'If {name} is a single number, it must be smaller' f' than {max_constraint}, not {nums_range}', ) if type_constraint is not None: if not isinstance(nums_range, type_constraint): raise ValueError( f'If {name} is a single number, it must be of' f' type {type_constraint}, not {nums_range}', ) min_range = -nums_range if min_constraint is None else nums_range return (min_range, nums_range) try: min_value, max_value = nums_range # type: ignore[misc] except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError( f'If {name} is not a single number, it must be' f' a sequence of len 2, not {nums_range}', ) min_is_number = isinstance(min_value, numbers.Number) max_is_number = isinstance(max_value, numbers.Number) if not min_is_number or not max_is_number: message = f'{name} values must be numbers, not {nums_range}' raise ValueError(message) if min_value > max_value: raise ValueError( f'If {name} is a sequence, the second value must be' f' equal or greater than the first, but it is {nums_range}', ) if min_constraint is not None and min_value < min_constraint: raise ValueError( f'If {name} is a sequence, the first value must be greater' f' than {min_constraint}, but it is {min_value}', ) if max_constraint is not None and max_value > max_constraint: raise ValueError( f'If {name} is a sequence, the second value must be' f' smaller than {max_constraint}, but it is {max_value}', ) if type_constraint is not None: min_type_ok = isinstance(min_value, type_constraint) max_type_ok = isinstance(max_value, type_constraint) if not min_type_ok or not max_type_ok: raise ValueError( f'If "{name}" is a sequence, its values must be of' f' type "{type_constraint}", not "{type(nums_range)}"', ) return nums_range # type: ignore[return-value] @staticmethod def parse_interpolation(interpolation: str) -> str: if not isinstance(interpolation, str): itype = type(interpolation) raise TypeError(f'Interpolation must be a string, not {itype}') interpolation = interpolation.lower() is_string = isinstance(interpolation, str) supported_values = [ for key in Interpolation] is_supported = interpolation.lower() in supported_values if is_string and is_supported: return interpolation message = ( f'Interpolation "{interpolation}" of type {type(interpolation)}' f' must be a string among the supported values: {supported_values}' ) raise ValueError(message) @staticmethod def parse_probability(probability: float) -> float: is_number = isinstance(probability, numbers.Number) if not (is_number and 0 <= probability <= 1): message = f'Probability must be a number in [0, 1], not {probability}' raise ValueError(message) return probability @staticmethod def parse_include_and_exclude_keys( include: TypeKeys, exclude: TypeKeys, label_keys: TypeKeys, ) -> Tuple[TypeKeys, TypeKeys]: if include is not None and exclude is not None: raise ValueError('Include and exclude cannot both be specified') Transform.validate_keys_sequence(include, 'include') Transform.validate_keys_sequence(exclude, 'exclude') Transform.validate_keys_sequence(label_keys, 'label_keys') return include, exclude
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_keys_sequence(keys: TypeKeys, name: str) -> None: """Ensure that the input is not a string but a sequence of strings.""" if keys is None: return if isinstance(keys, str): message = f'"{name}" must be a sequence of strings, not a string "{keys}"' raise ValueError(message) if not is_iterable(keys): message = f'"{name}" must be a sequence of strings, not {type(keys)}' raise ValueError(message)
@staticmethod def nib_to_sitk(data: TypeData, affine: TypeData) -> sitk.Image: return nib_to_sitk(data, affine) @staticmethod def sitk_to_nib(image: sitk.Image) -> TypeDataAffine: return sitk_to_nib(image) # type: ignore[return-value] def _get_reproducing_arguments(self): """Return a dictionary with the arguments that would be necessary to reproduce the transform exactly.""" reproducing_arguments = { 'include': self.include, 'exclude': self.exclude, 'copy': self.copy, } args_names = {name: getattr(self, name) for name in self.args_names} reproducing_arguments.update(args_names) return reproducing_arguments def is_invertible(self): return hasattr(self, 'invert_transform') def inverse(self): if not self.is_invertible(): raise RuntimeError(f'{} is not invertible') new = copy.deepcopy(self) new.invert_transform = not self.invert_transform return new @staticmethod @contextmanager def _use_seed(seed): """Perform an operation using a specific seed for the PyTorch RNG.""" torch_rng_state = torch.random.get_rng_state() torch.manual_seed(seed) yield torch.random.set_rng_state(torch_rng_state) @staticmethod def get_sitk_interpolator(interpolation: str) -> int: return get_sitk_interpolator(interpolation) @staticmethod def parse_bounds(bounds_parameters: TypeBounds) -> Optional[TypeSixBounds]: if bounds_parameters is None: return None try: bounds_parameters = tuple(bounds_parameters) # type: ignore[assignment,arg-type] # noqa: B950 except TypeError: bounds_parameters = (bounds_parameters,) # type: ignore[assignment] # noqa: B950 # Check that numbers are integers for number in bounds_parameters: # type: ignore[union-attr] if not isinstance(number, (int, np.integer)) or number < 0: message = ( 'Bounds values must be integers greater or equal to zero,' f' not "{bounds_parameters}" of type {type(number)}' ) raise ValueError(message) bounds_parameters_tuple = tuple(int(n) for n in bounds_parameters) # type: ignore[assignment,union-attr] # noqa: B950 bounds_parameters_length = len(bounds_parameters_tuple) if bounds_parameters_length == 6: return bounds_parameters_tuple # type: ignore[return-value] if bounds_parameters_length == 1: return 6 * bounds_parameters_tuple # type: ignore[return-value] if bounds_parameters_length == 3: repeat = np.repeat(bounds_parameters_tuple, 2).tolist() return tuple(repeat) # type: ignore[return-value] message = ( 'Bounds parameter must be an integer or a tuple of' f' 3 or 6 integers, not {bounds_parameters_tuple}' ) raise ValueError(message) @staticmethod def ones(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return torch.ones_like(tensor, dtype=torch.bool) @staticmethod def mean(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: mask = tensor > tensor.float().mean() return mask def get_mask_from_masking_method( self, masking_method: TypeMaskingMethod, subject: Subject, tensor: torch.Tensor, labels: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: if masking_method is None: return self.ones(tensor) elif callable(masking_method): return masking_method(tensor) elif type(masking_method) is str: in_subject = masking_method in subject if in_subject and isinstance(subject[masking_method], LabelMap): if labels is None: return subject[masking_method].data.bool() else: mask_data = subject[masking_method].data volumes = [mask_data == label for label in labels] return torch.stack(volumes).sum(0).bool() possible_axis = masking_method.capitalize() if possible_axis in ANATOMICAL_AXES: return self.get_mask_from_anatomical_label( possible_axis, tensor, ) elif type(masking_method) in (tuple, list, int): return self.get_mask_from_bounds(masking_method, tensor) # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa: B950 first_anat_axes = tuple(s[0] for s in ANATOMICAL_AXES) message = ( 'Masking method must be one of:\n' ' 1) A callable object, such as a function\n' ' 2) The name of a label map in the subject' f' ({subject.get_images_names()})\n' f' 3) An anatomical label {ANATOMICAL_AXES + first_anat_axes}\n' ' 4) A bounds parameter' ' (int, tuple of 3 ints, or tuple of 6 ints)\n' f' The passed value, "{masking_method}",' f' of type "{type(masking_method)}", is not valid' ) raise ValueError(message) @staticmethod def get_mask_from_anatomical_label( anatomical_label: str, tensor: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: # Assume the image is in RAS orientation anatomical_label = anatomical_label.capitalize() if anatomical_label not in ANATOMICAL_AXES: message = ( f'Anatomical label must be one of {ANATOMICAL_AXES}' f' not {anatomical_label}' ) raise ValueError(message) mask = torch.zeros_like(tensor, dtype=torch.bool) _, width, height, depth = tensor.shape if anatomical_label == 'Right': mask[:, width // 2 :] = True elif anatomical_label == 'Left': mask[:, : width // 2] = True elif anatomical_label == 'Anterior': mask[:, :, height // 2 :] = True elif anatomical_label == 'Posterior': mask[:, :, : height // 2] = True elif anatomical_label == 'Superior': mask[:, :, :, depth // 2 :] = True elif anatomical_label == 'Inferior': mask[:, :, :, : depth // 2] = True return mask def get_mask_from_bounds( self, bounds_parameters: TypeBounds, tensor: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: bounds_parameters = self.parse_bounds(bounds_parameters) assert bounds_parameters is not None low = bounds_parameters[::2] high = bounds_parameters[1::2] i0, j0, k0 = low i1, j1, k1 = np.array(tensor.shape[1:]) - high mask = torch.zeros_like(tensor, dtype=torch.bool) mask[:, i0:i1, j0:j1, k0:k1] = True return mask