Source code for torchio.transforms.preprocessing.intensity.histogram_standardization

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import torch
import numpy as np
from import tqdm

from import read_image
from import Subject
from ....typing import TypePath
from .normalization_transform import NormalizationTransform
from .normalization_transform import TypeMaskingMethod

DEFAULT_CUTOFF = 0.01, 0.99
TypeLandmarks = Union[TypePath, Dict[str, Union[TypePath, np.ndarray]]]

[docs] class HistogramStandardization(NormalizationTransform): """Perform histogram standardization of intensity values. Implementation of `New variants of a method of MRI scale standardization <>`_. See example in :func:`torchio.transforms.HistogramStandardization.train`. Args: landmarks: Dictionary (or path to a PyTorch file with ``.pt`` or ``.pth`` extension in which a dictionary has been saved) whose keys are image names in the subject and values are NumPy arrays or paths to NumPy arrays defining the landmarks after training with :meth:`torchio.transforms.HistogramStandardization.train`. masking_method: See :class:`~torchio.transforms.preprocessing.intensity.NormalizationTransform`. **kwargs: See :class:`~torchio.transforms.Transform` for additional keyword arguments. Example: >>> import torch >>> import torchio as tio >>> landmarks = { ... 't1': 't1_landmarks.npy', ... 't2': 't2_landmarks.npy', ... } >>> transform = tio.HistogramStandardization(landmarks) >>>, 'path_to_landmarks.pth') >>> transform = tio.HistogramStandardization('path_to_landmarks.pth') """ # noqa: B950 def __init__( self, landmarks: TypeLandmarks, masking_method: TypeMaskingMethod = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(masking_method=masking_method, **kwargs) self.landmarks = landmarks self.landmarks_dict = self._parse_landmarks(landmarks) self.args_names = ['landmarks', 'masking_method'] @staticmethod def _parse_landmarks(landmarks: TypeLandmarks) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: if isinstance(landmarks, (str, Path)): path = Path(landmarks) if path.suffix not in ('.pt', '.pth'): message = ( 'The landmarks file must have extension .pt or .pth,' f' not "{path.suffix}"' ) raise ValueError(message) landmarks_dict = torch.load(path) else: landmarks_dict = landmarks for key, value in landmarks_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, (str, Path)): landmarks_dict[key] = np.load(value) return landmarks_dict def apply_normalization( self, subject: Subject, image_name: str, mask: torch.Tensor, ) -> None: if image_name not in self.landmarks_dict: keys = tuple(self.landmarks_dict.keys()) message = ( f'Image name "{image_name}" should be a key in the' f' landmarks dictionary, whose keys are {keys}' ) raise KeyError(message) image = subject[image_name] landmarks = self.landmarks_dict[image_name] normalized = _normalize(, landmarks, mask=mask.numpy()) image.set_data(normalized)
[docs] @classmethod def train( cls, images_paths: Sequence[TypePath], cutoff: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, mask_path: Optional[Union[Sequence[TypePath], TypePath]] = None, masking_function: Optional[Callable] = None, output_path: Optional[TypePath] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Extract average histogram landmarks from images used for training. Args: images_paths: List of image paths used to train. cutoff: Optional minimum and maximum quantile values, respectively, that are used to select a range of intensity of interest. Equivalent to :math:`pc_1` and :math:`pc_2` in `Nyúl and Udupa's paper <>`_. mask_path: Path (or list of paths) to a binary image that will be used to select the voxels use to compute the stats during histogram training. If ``None``, all voxels in the image will be used. masking_function: Function used to extract voxels used for histogram training. output_path: Optional file path with extension ``.txt`` or ``.npy``, where the landmarks will be saved. Example: >>> import torch >>> import numpy as np >>> from pathlib import Path >>> from torchio.transforms import HistogramStandardization >>> >>> t1_paths = ['subject_a_t1.nii', 'subject_b_t1.nii.gz'] >>> t2_paths = ['subject_a_t2.nii', 'subject_b_t2.nii.gz'] >>> >>> t1_landmarks_path = Path('t1_landmarks.npy') >>> t2_landmarks_path = Path('t2_landmarks.npy') >>> >>> t1_landmarks = ( ... t1_landmarks_path ... if t1_landmarks_path.is_file() ... else HistogramStandardization.train(t1_paths) ... ) >>>, t1_landmarks) >>> >>> t2_landmarks = ( ... t2_landmarks_path ... if t2_landmarks_path.is_file() ... else HistogramStandardization.train(t2_paths) ... ) >>>, t2_landmarks) >>> >>> landmarks_dict = { ... 't1': t1_landmarks, ... 't2': t2_landmarks, ... } >>> >>> transform = HistogramStandardization(landmarks_dict) """ # noqa: B950 is_masks_list = isinstance(mask_path, Sequence) if is_masks_list and len(mask_path) != len(images_paths): # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa: B950 message = ( f'Different number of images ({len(images_paths)})' # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa: B950 f' and mask ({len(mask_path)}) paths found' # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa: B950 ) raise ValueError(message) quantiles_cutoff = DEFAULT_CUTOFF if cutoff is None else cutoff percentiles_cutoff = 100 * np.array(quantiles_cutoff) percentiles_database = [] a, b = percentiles_cutoff # for mypy percentiles = _get_percentiles((a, b)) for i, image_file_path in enumerate(tqdm(images_paths)): tensor, _ = read_image(image_file_path) if masking_function is not None: mask = masking_function(tensor) else: if mask_path is None: mask = np.ones_like(tensor, dtype=bool) else: if is_masks_list: assert isinstance(mask_path, Sequence) path = mask_path[i] else: path = mask_path # type: ignore[assignment] mask, _ = read_image(path) mask = mask.numpy() > 0 array = tensor.numpy() percentile_values = np.percentile(array[mask], percentiles) percentiles_database.append(percentile_values) percentiles_database_array = np.vstack(percentiles_database) mapping = _get_average_mapping(percentiles_database_array) if output_path is not None: output_path = Path(output_path).expanduser() extension = output_path.suffix if extension == '.txt': modality = 'image' text = f'{modality} {" ".join(map(str, mapping))}' output_path.write_text(text) elif extension == '.npy':, mapping) return mapping
def _standardize_cutoff(cutoff: Sequence[float]) -> np.ndarray: """Standardize the cutoff values given in the configuration. Computes percentile landmark normalization by default. """ cutoff_array = np.asarray(cutoff) cutoff_array[0] = max(0, cutoff_array[0]) cutoff_array[1] = min(1, cutoff_array[1]) cutoff_array[0] = np.min([cutoff_array[0], 0.09]) cutoff_array[1] = np.max([cutoff_array[1], 0.91]) return cutoff_array def _get_average_mapping(percentiles_database: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Map the landmarks of the database to the chosen range. Args: percentiles_database: Percentiles database over which to perform the averaging. """ # Assuming percentiles_database.shape == (num_data_points, num_percentiles) pc1 = percentiles_database[:, 0] pc2 = percentiles_database[:, -1] s1, s2 = STANDARD_RANGE slopes = (s2 - s1) / (pc2 - pc1) slopes = np.nan_to_num(slopes) intercepts = np.mean(s1 - slopes * pc1) num_images = len(percentiles_database) final_map = / num_images + intercepts return final_map def _get_percentiles(percentiles_cutoff: Tuple[float, float]) -> np.ndarray: quartiles = np.arange(25, 100, 25).tolist() deciles = np.arange(10, 100, 10).tolist() all_percentiles = list(percentiles_cutoff) + quartiles + deciles percentiles = sorted(set(all_percentiles)) return np.array(percentiles) def _normalize( tensor: torch.Tensor, landmarks: np.ndarray, mask: Optional[np.ndarray], cutoff: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, epsilon: float = 1e-5, ) -> torch.Tensor: cutoff_ = DEFAULT_CUTOFF if cutoff is None else cutoff array = tensor.numpy() mapping = landmarks data = array shape = data.shape data = data.reshape(-1).astype(np.float32) if mask is None: mask = np.ones_like(data, bool) mask = mask.reshape(-1) range_to_use = [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12] quantiles_cutoff = _standardize_cutoff(cutoff_) percentiles_cutoff = 100 * np.array(quantiles_cutoff) a, b = percentiles_cutoff # for mypy percentiles = _get_percentiles((a, b)) percentile_values = np.percentile(data[mask], percentiles) # Apply linear histogram standardization range_mapping = mapping[range_to_use] range_perc = percentile_values[range_to_use] diff_mapping = np.diff(range_mapping) diff_perc = np.diff(range_perc) # Handling the case where two landmarks are the same # for a given input image. This usually happens when # image background is not removed from the image. diff_perc[diff_perc < epsilon] = np.inf affine_map = np.zeros([2, len(range_to_use) - 1]) # Compute slopes of the linear models affine_map[0] = diff_mapping / diff_perc # Compute intercepts of the linear models affine_map[1] = range_mapping[:-1] - affine_map[0] * range_perc[:-1] bin_id = np.digitize(data, range_perc[1:-1], right=False) lin_img = affine_map[0, bin_id] aff_img = affine_map[1, bin_id] new_img = lin_img * data + aff_img new_img = new_img.reshape(shape) new_img = new_img.astype(np.float32) new_img = torch.as_tensor(new_img) return new_img # train_histogram kept for backward compatibility train = train_histogram = HistogramStandardization.train