Source code for torchio.transforms.augmentation.intensity.random_labels_to_image

from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple

import torch

from .. import RandomTransform
from ... import IntensityTransform
from import LabelMap
from import ScalarImage
from import Subject
from ....typing import TypeData
from ....typing import TypeRangeFloat
from ....utils import check_sequence

[docs] class RandomLabelsToImage(RandomTransform, IntensityTransform): r"""Randomly generate an image from a segmentation. Based on the work by Billot et al.: `A Learning Strategy for Contrast-agnostic MRI Segmentation`_ and `Partial Volume Segmentation of Brain MRI Scans of any Resolution and Contrast`_. .. _A Learning Strategy for Contrast-agnostic MRI Segmentation: .. _Partial Volume Segmentation of Brain MRI Scans of any Resolution and Contrast: .. plot:: import torch import torchio as tio torch.manual_seed(42) colin = tio.datasets.Colin27(2008) label_map = colin.cls colin.remove_image('t1') colin.remove_image('t2') colin.remove_image('pd') downsample = tio.Resample(1) blurring_transform = tio.RandomBlur(std=0.6) create_synthetic_image = tio.RandomLabelsToImage( image_key='synthetic', ignore_background=True, ) transform = tio.Compose(( downsample, create_synthetic_image, blurring_transform, )) colin_synth = transform(colin) colin_synth.plot() Args: label_key: String designating the label map in the subject that will be used to generate the new image. used_labels: Sequence of integers designating the labels used to generate the new image. If categorical encoding is used, :attr:`label_channels` refers to the values of the categorical encoding. If one hot encoding or partial-volume label maps are used, :attr:`label_channels` refers to the channels of the label maps. Default uses all labels. Missing voxels will be filled with zero or with voxels from an already existing volume, see :attr:`image_key`. image_key: String designating the key to which the new volume will be saved. If this key corresponds to an already existing volume, missing voxels will be filled with the corresponding values in the original volume. mean: Sequence of means for each label. For each value :math:`v`, if a tuple :math:`(a, b)` is provided then :math:`v \sim \mathcal{U}(a, b)`. If ``None``, :attr:`default_mean` range will be used for every label. If not ``None`` and :attr:`label_channels` is not ``None``, :attr:`mean` and :attr:`label_channels` must have the same length. std: Sequence of standard deviations for each label. For each value :math:`v`, if a tuple :math:`(a, b)` is provided then :math:`v \sim \mathcal{U}(a, b)`. If ``None``, :attr:`default_std` range will be used for every label. If not ``None`` and :attr:`label_channels` is not ``None``, :attr:`std` and :attr:`label_channels` must have the same length. default_mean: Default mean range. default_std: Default standard deviation range. discretize: If ``True``, partial-volume label maps will be discretized. Does not have any effects if not using partial-volume label maps. Discretization is done taking the class of the highest value per voxel in the different partial-volume label maps using :func:`torch.argmax()` on the channel dimension (i.e. 0). ignore_background: If ``True``, input voxels labeled as ``0`` will not be modified. **kwargs: See :class:`~torchio.transforms.Transform` for additional keyword arguments. .. tip:: It is recommended to blur the new images in order to simulate partial volume effects at the borders of the synthetic structures. See :class:`~torchio.transforms.augmentation.intensity.random_blur.RandomBlur`. Example: >>> import torchio as tio >>> subject = tio.datasets.ICBM2009CNonlinearSymmetric() >>> # Using the default parameters >>> transform = tio.RandomLabelsToImage(label_key='tissues') >>> # Using custom mean and std >>> transform = tio.RandomLabelsToImage( ... label_key='tissues', mean=[0.33, 0.66, 1.], std=[0, 0, 0] ... ) >>> # Discretizing the partial volume maps and blurring the result >>> simulation_transform = tio.RandomLabelsToImage( ... label_key='tissues', mean=[0.33, 0.66, 1.], std=[0, 0, 0], discretize=True ... ) >>> blurring_transform = tio.RandomBlur(std=0.3) >>> transform = tio.Compose([simulation_transform, blurring_transform]) >>> transformed = transform(subject) # subject has a new key 'image_from_labels' with the simulated image >>> # Filling holes of the simulated image with the original T1 image >>> rescale_transform = tio.RescaleIntensity( ... out_min_max=(0, 1), percentiles=(1, 99)) # Rescale intensity before filling holes >>> simulation_transform = tio.RandomLabelsToImage( ... label_key='tissues', ... image_key='t1', ... used_labels=[0, 1] ... ) >>> transform = tio.Compose([rescale_transform, simulation_transform]) >>> transformed = transform(subject) # subject's key 't1' has been replaced with the simulated image .. seealso:: :class:`~torchio.transforms.preprocessing.label.remap_labels.RemapLabels`. """ # noqa: B950 def __init__( self, label_key: Optional[str] = None, used_labels: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, image_key: str = 'image_from_labels', mean: Optional[Sequence[TypeRangeFloat]] = None, std: Optional[Sequence[TypeRangeFloat]] = None, default_mean: TypeRangeFloat = (0.1, 0.9), default_std: TypeRangeFloat = (0.01, 0.1), discretize: bool = False, ignore_background: bool = False, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.label_key = _parse_label_key(label_key) self.used_labels = _parse_used_labels(used_labels) # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa: B950 self.mean, self.std = self.parse_mean_and_std(mean, std) # type: ignore[arg-type,assignment] # noqa: B950 self.default_mean = self.parse_gaussian_parameter( default_mean, 'default_mean', ) self.default_std = self.parse_gaussian_parameter( default_std, 'default_std', ) self.image_key = image_key self.discretize = discretize self.ignore_background = ignore_background def parse_mean_and_std( self, mean: Sequence[TypeRangeFloat], std: Sequence[TypeRangeFloat], ) -> Tuple[List[TypeRangeFloat], List[TypeRangeFloat]]: if mean is not None: mean = self.parse_gaussian_parameters(mean, 'mean') if std is not None: std = self.parse_gaussian_parameters(std, 'std') if mean is not None and std is not None: message = ( 'If both "mean" and "std" are defined they must have the samelength' ) assert len(mean) == len(std), message return mean, std def parse_gaussian_parameters( self, params: Sequence[TypeRangeFloat], name: str, ) -> List[TypeRangeFloat]: check_sequence(params, name) params = [ self.parse_gaussian_parameter(p, f'{name}[{i}]') for i, p in enumerate(params) ] if self.used_labels is not None: message = ( f'If both "{name}" and "used_labels" are defined, ' 'they must have the same length' ) assert len(params) == len(self.used_labels), message return params @staticmethod def parse_gaussian_parameter( nums_range: TypeRangeFloat, name: str, ) -> Tuple[float, float]: if isinstance(nums_range, (int, float)): return nums_range, nums_range if len(nums_range) != 2: raise ValueError( f'If {name} is a sequence, it must be of len 2, not {nums_range}', ) min_value, max_value = nums_range if min_value > max_value: raise ValueError( f'If {name} is a sequence, the second value must be' f' equal or greater than the first, not {nums_range}', ) return min_value, max_value def apply_transform(self, subject: Subject) -> Subject: if self.label_key is None: iterable = subject.get_images_dict(intensity_only=False).items() for name, image in iterable: if isinstance(image, LabelMap): self.label_key = name break else: message = f'No label maps found in subject: {subject}' raise RuntimeError(message) arguments = { 'label_key': self.label_key, 'mean': [], 'std': [], 'image_key': self.image_key, 'used_labels': self.used_labels, 'discretize': self.discretize, 'ignore_background': self.ignore_background, } label_map = subject[self.label_key].data # Find out if we face a partial-volume image or a label map. # One-hot-encoded label map is considered as a partial-volume image all_discrete = label_map.eq(label_map.float().round()).all() same_num_dims = label_map.squeeze().dim() < label_map.dim() is_discretized = all_discrete and same_num_dims if not is_discretized and self.discretize: # Take label with highest value in voxel max_label, label_map = label_map.max(dim=0, keepdim=True) # Remove values where all labels are 0 (i.e. missing labels) label_map[max_label == 0] = -1 is_discretized = True if is_discretized: labels = label_map.unique().long().tolist() if -1 in labels: labels.remove(-1) else: labels = range(label_map.shape[0]) # Raise error if mean and std are not defined for every label _check_mean_and_std_length(labels, self.mean, self.std) # type: ignore[arg-type] # noqa: B950 for label in labels: mean, std = self.get_params(label) means = arguments['mean'] stds = arguments['std'] assert isinstance(means, list) assert isinstance(stds, list) means.append(mean) stds.append(std) transform = LabelsToImage(**self.add_include_exclude(arguments)) transformed = transform(subject) assert isinstance(transformed, Subject) return transformed def get_params(self, label: int) -> Tuple[float, float]: if self.mean is None: mean_range = self.default_mean else: assert isinstance(self.mean, Sequence) mean_range = self.mean[label] if self.std is None: std_range = self.default_std else: std_range = self.std[label] mean = self.sample_uniform(*mean_range) # type: ignore[misc] std = self.sample_uniform(*std_range) # type: ignore[misc] return mean, std
class LabelsToImage(IntensityTransform): r"""Generate an image from a segmentation. Args: label_key: String designating the label map in the subject that will be used to generate the new image. used_labels: Sequence of integers designating the labels used to generate the new image. If categorical encoding is used, :attr:`label_channels` refers to the values of the categorical encoding. If one hot encoding or partial-volume label maps are used, :attr:`label_channels` refers to the channels of the label maps. Default uses all labels. Missing voxels will be filled with zero or with voxels from an already existing volume, see :attr:`image_key`. image_key: String designating the key to which the new volume will be saved. If this key corresponds to an already existing volume, missing voxels will be filled with the corresponding values in the original volume. mean: Sequence of means for each label. If not ``None`` and :attr:`label_channels` is not ``None``, :attr:`mean` and :attr:`label_channels` must have the same length. std: Sequence of standard deviations for each label. If not ``None`` and :attr:`label_channels` is not ``None``, :attr:`std` and :attr:`label_channels` must have the same length. discretize: If ``True``, partial-volume label maps will be discretized. Does not have any effects if not using partial-volume label maps. Discretization is done taking the class of the highest value per voxel in the different partial-volume label maps using :func:`torch.argmax()` on the channel dimension (i.e. 0). ignore_background: If ``True``, input voxels labeled as ``0`` will not be modified. **kwargs: See :class:`~torchio.transforms.Transform` for additional keyword arguments. .. note:: It is recommended to blur the new images to make the result more realistic. See :class:`~torchio.transforms.augmentation.RandomBlur`. """ def __init__( self, label_key: str, mean: Optional[Sequence[float]], std: Optional[Sequence[float]], image_key: str = 'image_from_labels', used_labels: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, ignore_background: bool = False, discretize: bool = False, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.label_key = _parse_label_key(label_key) self.used_labels = _parse_used_labels(used_labels) self.mean, self.std = mean, std # type: ignore[assignment] self.image_key = image_key self.ignore_background = ignore_background self.discretize = discretize self.args_names = [ 'label_key', 'mean', 'std', 'image_key', 'used_labels', 'ignore_background', 'discretize', ] def apply_transform(self, subject: Subject) -> Subject: original_image = subject.get(self.image_key) label_map_image = subject[self.label_key] label_map = affine = label_map_image.affine # Find out if we face a partial-volume image or a label map. # One-hot-encoded label map is considered as a partial-volume image all_discrete = label_map.eq(label_map.float().round()).all() same_num_dims = label_map.squeeze().dim() < label_map.dim() is_discretized = all_discrete and same_num_dims if not is_discretized and self.discretize: # Take label with highest value in voxel max_label, label_map = label_map.max(dim=0, keepdim=True) # Remove values where all labels are 0 (i.e. missing labels) label_map[max_label == 0] = -1 is_discretized = True tissues = torch.zeros(1, *label_map_image.spatial_shape).float() if is_discretized: labels_in_image = label_map.unique().long().tolist() if -1 in labels_in_image: labels_in_image.remove(-1) else: labels_in_image = range(label_map.shape[0]) # Raise error if mean and std are not defined for every label _check_mean_and_std_length( labels_in_image, self.mean, # type: ignore[arg-type] self.std, ) for i, label in enumerate(labels_in_image): if label == 0 and self.ignore_background: continue if self.used_labels is None or label in self.used_labels: assert isinstance(self.mean, Sequence) assert isinstance(self.std, Sequence) mean = self.mean[i] std = self.std[i] if is_discretized: mask = label_map == label else: mask = label_map[label] tissues += self.generate_tissue(mask, mean, std) else: # Modify label map to easily compute background mask if is_discretized: label_map[label_map == label] = -1 else: label_map[label] = 0 final_image = ScalarImage(affine=affine, tensor=tissues) if original_image is not None: if is_discretized: bg_mask = label_map == -1 else: bg_mask = label_map.sum(dim=0, keepdim=True) < 0.5[bg_mask] =[bg_mask].float() subject.add_image(final_image, self.image_key) return subject @staticmethod def generate_tissue( data: TypeData, mean: float, std: float, ) -> TypeData: # Create the simulated tissue using a gaussian random variable gaussian = torch.randn(data.shape) * std + mean return gaussian * data def _parse_label_key(label_key: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: if label_key is not None and not isinstance(label_key, str): message = f'"label_key" must be a string or None, not {type(label_key)}' raise TypeError(message) return label_key def _parse_used_labels( used_labels: Optional[Sequence[int]], ) -> Optional[Sequence[int]]: if used_labels is None: return None check_sequence(used_labels, 'used_labels') for e in used_labels: if not isinstance(e, int): message = ( 'Items in "used_labels" must be integers,' f' but some are not: {used_labels}' ) raise ValueError(message) return used_labels def _check_mean_and_std_length( labels: Sequence[int], means: Optional[Sequence[TypeRangeFloat]], stds: Optional[Sequence[TypeRangeFloat]], ) -> None: num_labels = len(labels) if means is not None: num_means = len(means) message = ( '"mean" must define a value for each label but length of "mean"' f' is {num_means} while {num_labels} labels were found' ) if num_means != num_labels: raise RuntimeError(message) if stds is not None: num_stds = len(stds) message = ( '"std" must define a value for each label but length of "std"' f' is {num_stds} while {num_labels} labels were found' ) if num_stds != num_labels: raise RuntimeError(message)