Source code for torchio.datasets.slicer

import urllib.parse

from .. import ScalarImage
from import _RawSubjectCopySubject
from import download_url
from ..utils import get_torchio_cache_dir

    'MRHead': (
        ),  # noqa: B950
    'DTIBrain': (
        ),  # noqa: B950
    'DTIVolume': (
            'SHA256/d785837276758ddd9d21d76a3694e7fd866505a05bc305793517774c117cb38d',  # noqa: B950
            'SHA256/67564aa42c7e2eec5c3fd68afb5a910e9eab837b61da780933716a3b922e50fe',  # noqa: B950
    'CTChest': (
        ),  # noqa: B950
    'CTACardio': (
        ),  # noqa: B950

[docs] class Slicer(_RawSubjectCopySubject): """Sample data provided by `3D Slicer <>`_. See `the Slicer wiki <>`_ for more information. For information about licensing and permissions, check the `Sample Data module <>`_. Args: name: One of the keys in :attr:`torchio.datasets.slicer.URLS_DICT`. """ # noqa: B950 def __init__(self, name='MRHead'): filenames, url_files = URLS_DICT[name] for filename, url_file in zip(filenames, url_files): filename = filename.replace('-', '_') url = urllib.parse.urljoin(SLICER_URL, url_file) download_root = get_torchio_cache_dir() / 'slicer' stem = filename.split('.')[0] download_url( url, download_root, filename=filename, ) super().__init__( { stem: ScalarImage(download_root / filename), # use last filename } )